
New Steve Conte Album Nearly Completed!!


Just a little update here folks…I am now in the mixing stage of my new album, “Bronx Cheer” – and it is sounding incredible.


Once again behind the mixing board is the amazing Niko Bolas (Keith Richards, Neil Young, Prince). The core band of myself on guitars & vocals, drummer Charley Drayton (Keith Richards X-Pensive Winos, B-52s, Divinyls) & brother John Conte on bass is augmented by some wonderful guests; guitarist Chris Spedding (Paul McCartney, Elton John, Robert Gordon), vocalists Willie Nile, James Maddock, Sophia Ramos, Nicki Richards & LaJuan Carter-Dent, saxophonist Craig Dreyer and keyboardist Andrew Hollander.


The album was produced by Andrew Hollander & myself. (This is the 2nd time the team of Conte/Conte/Drayton/Hollander have made a record together – the 1st time being on the 2003 release “Bleed Together”, under the name The Contes.)


At the same time that we are mixing, I am working on the album art with the fantastically talented Rich Jones (my co-guitarist in the Michael Monroe band) who has done art direction for many other releases I’ve been involved with; The Steve Conte NYC Album, International Cover-Up, my mom Rosemary Conte’s jazz album, “But Beautiful” and every Michael Monroe band album since 2010.


Stay tuned for more updates!!

Steve Sings For A Czech!!

Here is the 2nd record I’ve done a remote recording session for in my new home studio (the 1st was “Trashman” by Brian Ray).


Last fall this Czech artist, Jirka Mucha contacted me via my Facebook music/band page (https://www.facebook.com/SteveConteNYC – this is the way to do it folks!) and asked me if i would consider singing a song for him.

I heard it, liked it very much and after we came to an agreement he sent me the fee via  PayPal, I sang it in NYC and sent him the vocal tracks in Czech Republic via the internet.


For those who don’t know, this is one of the ways we recording artists have been making records for over a decade now…there are no more borders!!

New Conte Brothers EP Release – Today!

Hey Everybody!

I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy during this crazy time. I’d like to announce the release of a collection of songs that my brother John and I have been sitting on for a long time in hopes of doing some sort of “box set” for our band Crown Jewels – but there is never been a better time to release new music then now when people are isolating at home and need some joy & diversion in their lives.

So – today I will be releasing this collection of songs on bandcamp.com entitled the Bootleg Rarities EP. It contains 6 well-recorded songs spanning the years 1992 – 1999 when we were most active in our writing & recording as the band Crown Jewels.

The important thing is that Bandcamp.com is waving all commision fees from artists today between 12 noon and 12 midnight EST so if you purchase it between those hours my brother and I will get 100% of the money to split between us. This is important for us & our families since we are out of work for the for seeable future and could use all the income we can get right now.

Please consider going to bandcamp and purchasing the EP…and don’t be fooled by the photo – this ain’t no jazz album – it’s pure rock ‘n roll, with soul – and pop melodies! (As per usual…)

Go to: https://steveconte.bandcamp.com/releases

Thanks so much…and let’s get through this thing safely.
Stay healthy…stay distant…STAY HOME!

All my best

Steve Conte & His Band The Crazy Truth To Play The Album, STEVE CONTE & THE CRAZY TRUTH In It’s Entirety!

Steve Conte & his band The Crazy Truth will play the album, STEVE CONTE & THE CRAZY TRUTH in it’s entirety!



@ LOLA (formerly CONEY ISLAND BABY) 169 Ave A, NYC


The show will be in honor of the 10th ANNIVERSARY of the album’s release. The setlist will be rounded out with songs Steve has covered and released on his INTERNATIONAL COVER-UP album as well as a few surprises. (Ticket link below.)


The Steve Conte & The Crazy Truth album was the first studio album released under Steve’s own name on a major label imprint, VARESE SARABANDE (UNIVERSAL MUSIC) and was the first to feature a true “band” backing Steve as a lead vocalist; Phil Stewart on drums and Lee Kostrinsky AKA “Leeko” on bass. It also marked Conte’s return to the raw rock & roll of his youth after a number of more introspective, singer-songwriter albums with his brother John, as the Crown Jewels and The Contes.


Released hot on the heels of ONE DAY IT WILL PLEASE US TO REMEMBER EVEN THIS, the 2006 comeback album by the legendary New York Dolls (of which Steve was a part of as a songwriter, guitarist and backing vocalist), STEVE CONTE & THE CRAZY TRUTH is a NYC-style garage/punk/ rock record with songs that reek of the dirty streets; This Is The End, Gypsy Cab, Texas T, The Good Are Odd, Get Off, The Truth Ain’t Pretty, Her Highness, Busload Of Hope, Strumpet-Hearted Monkey Girl, Indie Girl and Junk Planet.



“8 Stars Out Of 10. Music to instigate and soundtrack fighting, fucking, speeding, hurling abuse and waking up buck-naked in a stranger’s bathroom. This might even be better than the last Dolls album”

— Classic Rock Magazine (UK)


“There is very little genuine rock and roll out there at the moment – but Steve Conte has hit the nail on the head with this one!”

— Steve Lillywhite, Producer (Rolling Stones, Johnny Thunders, XTC, U2)



Don’t miss this very special show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th at LOLA (formerly Coney Island Baby) in honor of the 10th ANNIVERSARY of the album’s release.


For tickets go to:



Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/379643482738469/?active_tab=about