New Conte Brothers EP Release – Today!

Hey Everybody!

I hope you are all keeping safe and healthy during this crazy time. I’d like to announce the release of a collection of songs that my brother John and I have been sitting on for a long time in hopes of doing some sort of “box set” for our band Crown Jewels – but there is never been a better time to release new music then now when people are isolating at home and need some joy & diversion in their lives.

So – today I will be releasing this collection of songs on entitled the Bootleg Rarities EP. It contains 6 well-recorded songs spanning the years 1992 – 1999 when we were most active in our writing & recording as the band Crown Jewels.

The important thing is that is waving all commision fees from artists today between 12 noon and 12 midnight EST so if you purchase it between those hours my brother and I will get 100% of the money to split between us. This is important for us & our families since we are out of work for the for seeable future and could use all the income we can get right now.

Please consider going to bandcamp and purchasing the EP…and don’t be fooled by the photo – this ain’t no jazz album – it’s pure rock ‘n roll, with soul – and pop melodies! (As per usual…)

Go to:

Thanks so much…and let’s get through this thing safely.
Stay healthy…stay distant…STAY HOME!

All my best