When it comes to new independent music like mine, there’s no better promotion than an endorsement from a well-known artist with trusted musical taste. I’m grateful that Little Steven is being THAT guy for “The Steve Conte NYC Album”…

The Steve Conte NYC Album is – “Without a doubt, one of the best records of the year!” 

–  “Little Steven” Van Zandt

Musician/Producer/Songwriter (Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, The Disciples Of Soul), Actor (The Sopranos, Lillyhammer), Music Biz Entrepreneur & Radio Programmer (The Underground Garage on Sirius/XM, Wicked Cool Records, etc.)

Thank you Stevie Van Zandt…you’re one of the good ones!

~ SC * NYC


Me & My Baby….

Steve guitar_DSC6078

That’s my 1960 Les Paul Junior that I bought from Chelsea guitars back in 1992.

It was a total wreck when I got it but I had the very talented Mr. Pat Clark paint it white for me and then I got the red tortoise-shell guard from Pick Guardian in Ohio.

Gibson had never done a design like this – I was trying to recreate the look of my favorite Fender bass, the Alpine White Precision Bass with the red pickguard. It’s been out there for awhile in photos & videos on the web and now I see that certain “rockstars”  have “borrowed” my idea and presented it as their own…but we all know, I was the FIRST! 😉





Steve Plays Ramones 40th Anniversary Show in NYC

Sept 14, 2014 marked the 40th anniversary of Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee and Tommy’s 1st show on the Bowery. To celebrate this milestone something had to be done…and so, a show took place at Bowery Electric in NYC. The show was for charity and was sold out. The long and illustrious list of performers included Handsome Dick Manitoba, Ross The Boss, Cheetah Chrome, Jesse Malin, Sami Yaffa, and many more – including our own Steve Conte NYC! Read the details here via Rolling Stone Magazine online in a review written by long time RS staff writer David Fricke…

“Steve Conte of the reformed New York Dolls played the first guitar solo of the night, combining throaty, rockabilly twang and hard glam, in the Ramones’ arrangement of Tom Waits’ “I Don’t Want to Grow Up”.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/live-reviews/new-york-bands-celebrate-40-years-of-the-ramones-with-a-bowery-tribute-20140915#ixzz3DRoq5U8F




Little Steven Van Zandt Names The Steve Conte NYC Album The Underground Garage “Album of the Month”!

Today’s post from Stevie Van Zandt’s Facebook Page:
The Underground Garage  Album of the Month:   Steve Conte NYC 
The album has been in heavy rotation all summer with 5 songs added to the playlist including ”Rock and Rye Queen “, ” Dark In The Spotlight “, ”Anytime At All Times ” “Lady Luck”, and former Coolest Song in the World this Week “OK DJ”.
The Steve Conte NYC Album – now available on iTunes, Amazon, CDbaby, etc.